New Digital Water Programme Steering Committee Announced
The newly selected Steering Committee of the IWA Digital Water Programme has been announced, with 10 new additional members and a new Chair joining the programme leadership. On 20 May 2022, the outgoing and incoming members of the Steering Committee met to handover duties of the programme.
IWA Executive Director, Kala Vairavamoorthy, welcomed the new members, encouraging them to “focus on resilience and preparedness for any future challenges” with this transition into what could be considered as a “post-COVID” world. He also celebrated the past achievements of the committee, as well as the leadership of outgoing Chair, Dragan Savic.
Dragan expressed his content with the diversity of the committee, stating how significant diversity and inclusion are. He also emphasised that the success of the committee rests on the shoulders of its members and encouraged them to do interesting and innovative activities.
New Steering Committee Chair, Oliver Grievson, in his introduction highlighted the importance of spotlighting “where the good things work”, and highlighting the business side of the digital transformation to help guide water utilities.
In line with the IWA Strategic Plan 2019 – 2024, it is very important for IWA to ensure that our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion standards were upheld in this process. For this reason, over the past month, the Secretariat performed an extensive nomination and selection process.
The members of this newly elected Steering Committee are from 13 countries across the world, and an impressive 43% of the SC is female. The diversity in geographic location, gender, and backgrounds is an asset and will ensure that the team continues the great work that was started in 2019.
The IWA Secretariat is pleased to welcome the DWP Steering Committee 2022-2024 and looks forward to facilitating new opportunities that will emerge from the group. Find out more about IWA Digital Water Programme:
Meet the 2022-2024 Steering Committee

Oliver Grievson (Chair), Technical Lead at Z-Tech Control Systems

Ann Piyamarn Sisomphon – Head of Hydro-modelling section, Hydoinformatics Institute, Thailand

Biju George, Executive Vice President, Ampcus Inc. USA

Cecilia Wennberg – Executive Vice President Water in Cities Global Business Unit, DHI, Sweden

Deepa Karthykeyan – Director, Athena Infornomics, USA

Enrique Cabrera – Vice President at International Water Association, Professor at Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

Eunice Namirembe – Innovation Specialist, Kampala Capital City Authority, Uganda

Frank Kizito – Decision Support Systems Manager, National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Uganda

Jyoti Gautam – Associate Professor, CSE Department, NSUT-EAST Campus, Delhi, India

Hélène Hauduc – Senior Process Engineer, Dynamita, France

Marina Batalini de Macedo – Assistant Professor Federal University of Itajuba, Brazil

Rachel Peletz – Aquaya, Executive Director, San Francisco, USA

Randolf Waters – Senior Director, Global Partnerships & Branding, Xylem, Switzerland

Rik Thijssen – Manager, Business Development, Vitens, Netherlands

Sheilla de Carvalho – Director, Royal HaskoningDHV, South Africa

Stuart Hamilton – Managing Director, Hydrotec Ltd., UK

Vladan Babovic – Professor, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Yufeng Guo – Deputy General Manager, Three Gorges Smart Water Technology Company, China

Zoran Kapelan – Chair and Professor of Urban Water Infrastructure, Department of Water Management, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands