How can water and wastewater utilities in Africa help meet the SDGs?

IWA SDGs, Water Utilities, sustainability, strategy, prioritisation

Target Audience

IWA members, IWA SGs, IWA YWP Community, AfWA members and community


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the United Nations (UN) in September 2015, have given a new impetus to global efforts for achieving sustainable development. 

 Water and wastewater utilities in Africa play a vital role in supporting several of the SDGs. Because customer needs are so great, a primary challenge faced by utilities is to analyse the various SDGs and develop strategic plans for addressing those goals where it is most needed and where they have the most capacity.   

This webinar will provide examples of how such strategic plans have been developed by utilities, both in Europe and in Africa.

This webinar will address not only SDG 6 relating specifically to drinking water but all SDGs where water utilities can contribute. 

Learning Objectives

Following this webinar, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify barriers and opportunities related to the implementation of the SDGs targets at the utility level.
  • Identify various actions and interventions that can be applied by water and sanitation water utilities to promote the implementation of the SDGs.
  • Use lessons learned from experience-shared discussion during the webinar in their work.
  • To be able to anticipate challenges to be expected in strategic planning and implementation of SDG goals, based on lessons learned from others.
  • Understand the role that utilities have in addressing numerous SDGs. 


Webinar Resources

  • Download the webinar presentation here
  • Download the Q&A report here
  • Join the IWA Specialist group ‘Sustainability in the Water Sector’ – Join now!

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